Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Silverman Duathlon 2017 - Race Report

Experience shared by Wong Chin Chun

Silverman Dualthon was a 11km run 61km bike and 11km run event held at Marina Island, Pangkor. The race kit collection was fairly easy. Participant could collect a week earlier at Amnig Concept Store at Petaling Jaya or opt to mini race expo on the eve of the race day. There were plenty of choices for accommodation with special package such as Rockbund Fishing Chalet (1.7km from Marina Hall) and Marina Island Resort; Hotel (just beside the Marina Hall).

The bike check-in started at 4.45am, but there was no crew or bicycle specialist to inspect the bike and helmet prior to check-in as mentioned in the Guide Book. Proper signage along the rack make it easier for participant to locate their spot. Somehow, the gap between rows were not consistently placed. The race started at 7am after the warming up session. The weather was nice and chilling (average 240C) for the running leg. Water stations and Power Roots were abundance for participants to grab a drink. There was also aid station with Salonpas spray for those who experienced muscles tightness. The view along the run especially at Teluk Batik was fantastic, but the last 1km run with long U turn in the Marina Island was mental torturing.

Going into the transition area after 10.5km run was relatively easy as there were plenty of volunteers directing the traffic. The bike route consists of three u-turn with water stations just after the u-turn. The bike route was over distanced by around 5km, total up approximately 66km with around 398m elevation gain. It was a flat route with slight climb at the bridge areas. The pavement condition before and after the bridges were quite bad with potholes and rough surface which might pose danger to fast paced cyclists. Traffic was well managed by the organizer and traffic polices. Participants were advised to study the maps before the race or they might not aware that they need to complete three U-turn for the bike route. I did not realize any distance markers during the bike leg but the water stations and U-turn can be used as a distance gauge. 

After the bike leg, another 10.5km run awaiting. Basically, it is the same route as the 1st run but with exclusion of the last water station at kilometer 9. Running pass kampung area where kids coming out and giving high-five were a pleasant memory. Almost all participant got the chance to cross the finishing line with the volunteer holding the finishing tape. It was a great feeling because usually only top finisher will get such privilege. There are plenty of food and drinks after race, for example banana, Power Roots, cendol, nasi lemak, fried bee hoon and etc. Somehow, no energy gel was distributed for this long endurance race.

As a conclusion, it was a great event with fantastic view for running and cycling. It will be better if the local authority can improve the road condition for the cycling route. The holidays packages were great for those coming from far to take this opportunity as a competition plus vacation outing.

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