Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Powerman 2018 - Race Review

Race Review by Wong Chin Chun
First Duathlon for 2018 - Powerman Malaysia 2018 Individual Classic ( 10km Run – 60km Bike – 10km Run). Collected the race kits and checked in my bike a day before.
On the race day, I arrived around 6am and went straight to the transition area to get my bike ready. This time I brought 3 nos of energy gel (lesson learned from Silverman 2017). I was quite nervous as this was a long endurance race.
After the race started, I realized that I forgot to put my water bottles on my bike. Luckily, the run route consists of two loops which coincidentally passed by my parking spot. On the second loop, I run back to my car to get my water bottles and continue the remaining 5km holding two water bottles, haha😂
The transition area was smooth and spacious with markers clearly shown at strategic location. The cycling route was quite flat with gentle elevation and good road condition. Traffic was very well managed but there was some minor congestion at the double roundabout area as the road was narrow and the Short Category's participants also joined in the race. The second and final 10km run was very torturous as the weather was very hot and humid. Luckily there was plenty of waters stations and medic on standby. I managed to hang on but started to slow down on the second loop.

In general, this was a well organised event but I think the registration fees were quite expensive for locals. This was the 1st time that we were served with coke and lemon tea after race, not sure whether it was a good option after a hard race. The organizer also served apples, bananas, hot dog breads, and nice triangle rice ball.
I am very happy with my performance today as I hit my targeted pace for both running and cycling. I finished the race with the timing of 3.33.39, 12th place in the Men age 30 – 34 category.  I am very proud with my buddy (my bike) for the breakthrough today. All is well for my preparation for future races, glad for all the improvement, hopefully more to come...

* Remember to apply sun block for long endurance race ... I learned the hard way today
Photos courtesy from all photograhers, thank you.
Check result here

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