Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gobi March 2009 - Update

Dr. Tan finished the race!
All Malaysian salute to you
Wish you conquer another desert race in the near future

Another Malaysian Loh Damien Y. Y 29, also completed the race:
Stg1 7:34:13, Stg2 7:38:41, Stg3 7:46:42, Stg4 9:15:39, Stg5 15:19:30, Stg6 58:04. Overall 48:32:49

Champion is LaHaie Eric M. C. from USA completed the following stages:
Stg1 03:43:07, Stg2 03:57:55, Stg3 04:13:03. Stg4 05:11:45, Stg5 08:50:29, Stg 6 00:47:31, Overall 26:43:50

Updated Result

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