Sunday, June 28, 2009

SCKL Marathon - Not Up to Expectation

I have not attend SC Singapore Marathon before, but I heard a lot about the carnival party. So I expect it should be the same in SC KLM. With Hip Hop music, break dancer, cheer leading group, funny costumed and fashion runners, a lot of food and drink store (like Orange Run), fun fair, finisher goodies bag (like Bidor run), but none of it happened, only the boring music and dance, very very disappointed.

I still remember Hemant 123 mentioned 2 things in his second running clinic in Tapak A. When a runner asked him about the water station, he menepuk dada said that runners should not worry about water stations, there are plenty in every 2.5km. Perhap he was right, there are plenty of water station but NO WATER.

He also said there are plenty and enough for different size of vest and T-shirt. Runner should not worry, they would get their ordered size. Ended up, runner ordered S size, but got L size. Wa lau ye, how to wear!
I also noticed many 5km runners came back from the other side of the same lane (face to face with other finishing runners), caused traffic jam. So I asked them why are they coming back from this side, the runner said a road marshall guide them coming to this side. HOW COULD IT HAPPENED? to be continue...

I run in the rain, I run in the rain (remember the song?)

1 comment:

  1. hello mr.penonton.. yah i agree that the medal is not so special.. hmm...
