Friday, June 26, 2009

SCKL Marathon - Race Pack Collection

Rack pack for 10km, the black line inside the plastic is timing chip.
Stick behind the bib no. Additional items for full marathon Powerbar & towel
Ladise vest, S size
Men vest, S size
Full marathon queue very long

10km queue, one queue only, is a L shape

Later they changed to a few queues, confusing..
Half marathon queue
Saw them turn back without the blue bag

Finally got what they want

We went to Dataran to collect race pack around 12:30pm. It was heavy rain on our way from PJ. We dare not park under the Dataran, afraid that our car would become boat.
It was very jammed near the Dataran as that period was Sembahyang time. Finally we got our parking, illegal but have no choice. Mujur the rain has stopped.
The organiser separated the categories to different queue. For 10km, it was not a long queue, but very very very long and slow moving queue. On top of that the worst news was server down, network down, no power! They have to bring two power generators. The server down for about 20min. Those who came earlier have to wait longer.
My neighbour has to queue for himself for 10km, then queue for his wife for 21km and then queue for his kid for fun run. Wa lau ye.
I started to queue at 1pm. The guy in front of me collect 15 packs on behalf of his friends. I asked him to let me first as I only take one, but he refused. When my turn, I asked the volunteer, 'kenapa dia boleh ambet 15? Website kan kata max 6 saja?", She answered "Patut 6 saja, tapi........", no futher reply. They should have separate counter for bulk collection. Finally I got mine at 2:15pm. Piu.. My confession, after cutting queue when they changed from one queue to multiple queues.
The collection was messy, not well organised. They should arrange the collection in a place with proper parking, air-con and covered. Otherwise it would be very hot during noon queuing under the sun or raining. Some runners said it was worst than AMBank.
The quality of the vest is good and the bag is nice. Other than that the rest are leaflet. Already in my paper recycle bin. For full Marathon runner, they have extra Power Bar (have to claim in the Power booth) and a towel.
Tomorrow is Saturday, expected more ppl, for those who have not collected, GOOD DAY & GOOD LUCK.

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