Thursday, July 2, 2009

SCKL Marathon - Statement from Otogone

Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009 – Statement from Octagon
Mon at 10:08pm

As the organiser of the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009, we at Octagon acknowledge all comments and feedback received about the management of the Marathon on 28 June.

We regret that some runners faced water shortage during the run. We had 50,000 litres of water and isotonic drinks, with water stations located every 2.5kms along the route but we acknowledge that the distribution of water was not ideal. We apologise once again for this.

As for the distance markers, we stress that such indicators were placed at every kilometre along the route. On the advice of the technical committee, it was decided that the markers would only be for the Full Marathon which is the practice of all international marathons around the world. However we take note of your input in this area for future implementation.

We also acknowledge that nearly half of the participants in the 5km run took a wrong turn and ended up running a shorter route. Together with our partners, MAAU and FTAAA, we are looking into how this could have happened.We have also received feedback regarding the shortage of Finisher’s Medal for the Full Marathon.

We have noted this and have compiled a list of those who have yet to receive a medal. We will notify them immediately about the collection of their medals accordingly. The shortage of medals came about as a result of several individuals collecting more than one medal.

Overall, the race was well received and many have indicated that they would participate next year. We aim to provide a better experience in 2010, with your feedback being instrumental to that.

Thank you.

Found this note from facebook but did not mention by who

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