Monday, September 28, 2009

Lembah Bujang Jamboree 2009

Date: 26 Sep 2009
Where: Lembah Bujang, Sg. Petani, Kedah
Time: 7.30am
Event: Running / Cycling
Running distance: 11km
Cycling distance: 40km

This was the 1st year Sg. Petani MCA organized the jamboree. The starting point was quite far from Sg. Petani town, about 20km. It was impossible to reach there without own transport. The running route was tough, ran beside padi field, kampung houses, masjid, schools & smelly rubbish dump too. When runners reached the starting point and thought that was the ending point, then they would feel disappointed. As there was still another 2km hilly, killing and torturing road up to the Museum Archaeology. Runners need strong mental to overcome it.

For those runners who parked their car at the starting point, have to walk down 2km under the hot sun with tiring body to get their car. Saw Chap Ayam runners jalan kaki lo.., kesian. Organiser should thought about it, start and end at the Museum. Mujur they did not wait for the lucky draw, as the prize was 10kg of brown rice!

The running event started at 7.30am and cycling started at 8am. So when most of the runners came back after 1 hour , still have to wait for all the biker to come back to start the prize presentation & Lucky draw at 11.30am. Actually cycling should start early at 7.30am, as they have to ride for 40km.

When we journey back at 10.30am, still saw a lot bikers pushing their bicycle up hill to the museum.
The museum area is nice and cooling with a small beautiful waterfall, some runners were enjoying and bathing there. The museum is small but with quite a number of valuable artifak. Worthwhile to visit if you are around the area.

The organiser targeted 1500 runners but only around 300 turn up. Maybe too far away, lack of adv, no cash prizes or no attractive Lucky draw prizes. Hopefully next year they can do better.

More photos click here

Running flag-off

Cycling flag-off


  1. Aiseeyyy.. U join ka? Why not inform me earlier.. Else kita boleh mandi sungai and minum vico together2.

  2. Lain kali la... Mesti ada chance punya!
