Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Looking for Volunteers for Mizuno Wave Run 2009

It's time again for the Club to look for members and friends who would like to be part of the crew for the coming Mizuno Wave Run on 25th October 2009 which is going to he held in UPM, Serdang.
You can be part of the crew for the Race Pack distribution on the eve of the event (24th Oct.). On event day, we need volunteers as Road Marshals, at Water Station, at Finishing Gate. Fruit tent, Medal distribution and Baggage tent.
If you would like to be part of crew [age 16 and above], please email your full name and contact number to our Assistant Treasurer, Pek Moi at : pm1228@gmail.com by 16th October 2009. You may state your job preference and we will try to accommodate your request.

Your voluntarism is much appreciated in making the event a success.

Thank you.

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