Friday, October 9, 2009

Climb Bukit Tabur help 11A Leukimia Girl

From Agnes:
I am organising a fund raising project to raise fund for a leukemia girl, Yen Kee, as a contribution towards her bone marrow transplant.
Target to do it in November, a total 4 weeks.
We will call upon people to donate and we will provide a service to take them up Bukit Tabur in Kuala Lumpur as a gesture of goodwill for their donation to Yen Kee.
How it works
1) Donors are to bank in the donation to Guangming Ribao's account.
2) Send us the proof or receipt
3) we will coordinate to take them up the mountain.
We had few would be trekkers that have never been up Bukit Tabur has indicated that they like our idea and we will expand this to others.
since we like mountain, we just do something extra for charity to help this leukemia girl.
pls write to me if you have:
1) donors who wants to do as a corporate body.
2) We possibly will need to have a pool of volunteers to chip in for this project.
Leader/sweepers etc... with vast experience in mountain trekking especially Bukit tabur, ( we reserve the right to take in/reject candidates for this purpose )
3) Other ways to help such as linking us to others to reach bigger audiences with aim to solicit for donation.
4) Donation amount : we do not set any pre-requisite for any donation amount for this fund raising, we are of the opinion that no matter how big/small is the donation, it's the heart that counts.
you can go to for more information about this girl, we will update from time to time
kindly write to, or reply via FB

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