Sunday, November 8, 2009

KDU Hospitality 1 Malaysia Race 2009

Men open team 1st
Men open 1st
Women open 1st

Date: 7 Nov 2009
Time: 8am
Venue: KDU, PJ
Distance: 5+km
I got this comment & photos from a friend.
"The race supposed to start at 7am as stated, but when reached there only found out that it had changed to 7:40am. Unfortunately the race delayed to 8:05am due to the long Taekwondo presentation. It would be nice if the presentation done it while waiting for the confirmation of the final result. The weather was hot and the traffic was busy and lack of control even though police, relay & volunteer were there. Water, sandwich & apple were provided. As this was a charity run to raise fund for MAKNA, shouldn't complaint of the prizes, at least the design and quality of the t-shirt was satisfactory."

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