Friday, December 11, 2009

Larian Rakyat 2009

Date: 11 Dec 2009
Time: 7:30am
Venue: i-City, Shah Alam
Distance: 10km & 7km

This run was organised by Tourism Selangor inconjunction with the Sultan Selangor 64th Birthday. It was organised about 3 weeks ago, targetted for 3000 runners, one third turn-up. Not all the place were taken up though, maybe it was due to the fact that it is state holiday in Selangor but a working day for Kuala Lumpur, and also due to school holiday, promotions to school children maybe a challenge.

Medal & bag only for top 20 runners, cash prize for top 5 runners. For juniors boys and girls, 50 medals each.

More photo click here

All reports were blocking the way, runners were unable to start

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