Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saucony Pacemakers Network Run 2010

Women 35 above
Women 34 & below Men 50 & above
Men 40 - 49 Men 35 - 39
Men 30 - 34
Men 17 - 29
Awesome medal & cute trophy

Date: 1 Jan 2010
Time: 7.30am
Venue: Tapak A, Tasik Perdana

After the new year countdown at 1U, slept at 3am, woke-up at 5am. Mata pun tak boleh buka. Ada yang sudah buka..kerana tidak tidur langsung..alamak..this is going to be tough.
When arrived there at 6:45am, many runners were already warming up.

The run was smooth and fun. Featuring the new 'Killer staircase' (170 steps) this year , the route requires women need to do 3.06km x 3 and men x 4. So, everybody needs to climb the 170 3-4 times. First loop, every runner still strong and fresh, flying up. When came to 3rd and 4th loops, some runners starts to curse the route designer. Mujur no one crawling up.

Water station was good, recycling the cups, very environmental friendly. The breakfast was sweet (watermelon), healthy (banana) & delicious (nasi lemak). Medal is awesome & the trophy is beautiful. At last there is a trophy that really looked like a trophy. Kudos to the organiser.

Truly a quality event. Sure, next year mesti join again & many more years to come. And those that missed this round, make sure you sign up early because of the quota.
more photos

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