Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tigers on the Brink of Extinction Talk

Tigers are severely threatened throughout Asia, with populations down from over 100,000 centuries ago to a mere 3000 or so today. And the poaching continues. Tigers are being killed at an alarming rate throughout their range, with their meat, bones and other parts being smuggled to markets, largely in China. Malaysia’s Tigers are among those being slaughtered. Title: Tigers on the brink of extinction

Speaker: Chris Shepherd
Date: 20th March, Saturday
Time: 2.00 pm
Location: MNS HQ Auditorium
About the speaker
Originally from Canada, Chris has been working in Southeast Asia on wildlife trade related issues for the past 18 years, working with TRAFFIC Southeast Asia for the past 12 years. As Senior Programme Officer for TRAFFIC, he carries out research on a wide variety of species groups, including mammals, birds and reptiles, looking at legal and illegal trade dynamics and assessing the impact trade may have on wild populations.
Chris also does enforcement assistance work in the region, carrying out investigations and working closely with enforcement agencies around the world. Furthermore, Chris carries out capacity building training courses for enforcement staff throughout Southeast Asia, and has, with the TRAFFIC Southeast Asia team, trained more than 1000 officers over the past few years.
Chris is a member of a number of IUCN SSC specialist groups, including those focusing on bears, freshwater turtles and tortoises, otters, small carnivores, and cats. Cats, especially Tigers, have been a major focus of Chris’ work over the years, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar.
Action is needed now if we are going to save Tigers in the wild. Learning the issues is half the battle is you want to play a role in saving our wild Tigers.
For more information please contact Ilyas Sapiyan (after working hours) at 012 617 5870.

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