Friday, May 14, 2010

Penang Hash House 2000th Run 2010

Penang Hash House Harriets is celebrating their 2000th run on June 25, 26 and 27, 2010. This three day event will be held on the beautiful island of Penang. The Penang Harriets is said to be the second oldest female hash in the world. The Ipoh harriets helped us in 1967 to start our hash chapter.
At the moment we have around 80 members. Our oldest member is 81 years old and still runs every week!
Friday June 25 from 12 PM onwards till 4 PM you can register at the D’Juice, located at the beginning of Botanical Garden.
The official opening of the event starts at 5 PM where Y.B. Danny Law, chairman of Penang Tourism Development will welcome everybody and will wave off the Red Dress Run. The Red Dress run will be held in historical Georgetown. After the run you are invited to join the welcome dinner held at Fort Cornwallis. As you know Penang is world famous not only for his heritage sites, but also for his food!
Saturday June 26 the day starts at 11 AM with the ball breaker run. The participants will travel by bus to a magnificent part of Penang, where they have to hash 25 km back to the runsite at Botanical Garden. The other runs will start at 5 PM sharp. After the individual circles we all come back to the main venue for the evening where again famous Penang food is served. After this an evening full of fun, hopefully some entertainment, don’t forget to bring and perform your hash act on stage! Catching up with old friends and getting to know new ones.
Sunday June 27 the afternoon starts at 12 PM with a medium run at the Beach. Maps to go to the runsite will be up on our website closer to the
date. After the run food will be served and after that we will bid you farewell. Most of us are travelling to Kuching the next week, so it won’t
be a long farewell. See you next week mate, sounds better.
Please email us if you want more information: or
See you in 2010!

Date: 25 - 27 Jun 2010
Venue: Penang
Contact: 012-5129909
Details here

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