Sunday, May 16, 2010

Run in Memory of Ngae - an Icon in Endurance Sports

Ngae was shooting in Astro Jia Yu - Mary Go Around Programme

This was our last photos taken for Ngae. It was Chin Woo Biathlon on Dec 2008. It seems that just like yesterday. It was the first time we met him and also the last time we talked to him. But we will remember him forever.
Those who know Ngae, please come and join this Sunday at Bkt Aman 6.30am 'Run in Memory of Ngae'

1 comment:

  1. our (Carrie & me) condolence to his family. we do not know him personally but did heard about him before. the one minutes silent for him during NB15 was really appropriate. thanks for putting this up & acknowledging this great man...
