Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Xterra Malaysia 2010 Cancelled

XTERRA Cancellation
To all of our fans and competitors, with a month to go, we have been challenged with a number of hard decisions to make,
There were a number of improvements, that we want to make, to ensure an excellent racing experience,and in return raise the bar of expectations of multisport racing in Malaysia, this initiative required a medium to long term investment from partners and sponsors.
Due to the above, World Action Sports has been challenged with not being able to bring you an event of an expected calibre and level of delivery, we have had to balance between a level of expectation and an experience that we are not willing to compromise.
With this we are not able to organize XTERRA Malaysia 2010
For competitors who have signed up and were looking forward to the race weekend, we sincerely apologise for this inconvenience,
For competitors who have signed up and paid full entry fees, you will be receiving personal emails within the next 48hours, on information how best to reimburse your fees, with a view on all reimbursements being done by the 20th of May.
For further enquiries please do direct all communication to
Thank you again
Yours sincerely
XTERRA Malaysia Race relations

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