Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cyberace 2010

Date: 7 Aug 2010
Time: 9am
Venue: MMU, Cyberjaya
Distance: 9.7km & 12.46km
Medal: Top 15
Entry fees: RM25 - open, RM20 - student

It was a funny and kelam kabut race. It was organised by 1st year degree students of MMU Usrah Islamic Institution, none of them are runners and no experience in organising running event. They are very polite and humble and apologised for all the problem caused. So participants were not hardhearted to blast the frustration on them but only advice them on how to improve to organise the event in the future. Admire on their courage to organise the race.

They had a very strict rules on runners' attire like men to wear long pants until knee and women to cover whole body part. But the organiser did not enforce the rule and was open minded and accept runners attire.

There were 4 categories, men & women open, men and women local (ipt+student - as long as runner show their student card). They allocated 100 participants for each category but total only around 100 turn up. It was due to lack of publicity and also a few events clashed at the same week-end. Only 7 runners in women local and 6 in women open. Top 15 position medal and finisher T-shirt were provided.

There were many rooms to improve in this event:
1. To open more categories and provide more medals to attract more runners
2. To start race early instead of at 9am. Luckily it was not a hot sunny morning
3. To have more sign boards and Marshall on the junction, many runners lost their way
4. To start the prize presentation early - (event ended at 12 noon)
5. To reduce the registration fees
6. Should check student card during bib collection and not after

more photos here

Medal with position
Medal - rear
Women open - 100 places provided, 15 medals allocated, only 6 participants
Women local (ipt+student), only 7 runners
Male open - top 15
Male local (ipt+student) top 15
Female open
Female local
Local male - top 7

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