Thursday, September 9, 2010

Destination unknown

A public bus in Taiwan is leading its passengers to nowhere.

The San Chung Bus No 1203 in Taipei heads towards the destination called 'unknown'.

This was shown on the signboard at Ximen Market's bus stop.

According to it, the No 18 bus is going to Huajiang while the No 621 bus is heading to Erchong, but the No 1203 bus goes to an unknown place.

The Taipei Public Transportation Office covered the word 'unknown' with white paint on Friday following complaints from the people.

It said the destination for bus No 1203 should be left blank for the moment and blamed the mistake to the signboard-making company who "tried to be smart".

"We believe the company has tried to be smart and added the word on the space meant to be left empty."

Source and photo: United Daily News

Published Sept 5 2010

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