Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nike City 10km KL Run 2010 - Bib Collection

Date: 2 - 3 Oct 2010
Venue: Avenue K

There was a long queue for less than 10 pax collection at 10:45am when we arrived. So pandaix2 went to bulk collection which is shorter queue. But unfortunately have to wait much longer. Moreover Nike have not keying runners infomation into the system for registration which was done manually at the outlet, so have to wait for that. Then later they said that the d-tag no. was finished, have to wait for 45 mins for them to generate the new number. Later a lady supervisor advised us either to go for shopping and a movie first, or come back tomorrow or collect it at the event company, as they need to take 2 hours to settle the issue. Nike is owing runners an explaination on this especially for those who registered manually.

So we decided to jalanx2 in KLCC while waiting for her call. By the time we parked our car, after 15min we left Avenue K, then she called and said that the t-shirt and tag is ready for collection. Then we have to walk from KLCC to Avenue K again to collect it. Really dun know what Nike is doing, maybe themselves also not sure what are they doing...

 Nike Sling Bag
Men t-shirt front printed with bib no. - S size
Rear view
Women S size
Long queue for individual collection - 9 counters
 Nike booth 
 Running route
 During collection
 Met with friends
 9 conters open
 Bulk collection - but only 2 counters open
 Busy volunteers
 Nike show case
 Nike Promotion
 Yahama show case at KLCC - speedy big bike

 Which one do you like?

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