Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nike City 10km KL Run 2010

Date: 10 Oct 2010
Time: 7:15am
Venue: KL City
Distance: 5km & 10km

This was a well organised fun run, attacted around 8,000 runners, mostly students. Good traffic control, plenty of water at water station, a lot of marshall, entertainment presentation on road, nice view and etc. It would be perfect if Nike generous enough to give better finisher award.
This event not only clashed with Hooha 10!10!100 fun run on the date but also run on the same route. Nike started at 7:15am while Hooha started at 8:20am. Many joined both, after Nike then rushed to Hooha, to get both finisher memento. When Nike runners reaching Lot 10, would met Hooha cheering for the runners. It was a great moment.

More photos here

 5km top 3 winners - 1st group is men open, 2nd group is women open
3rd group is men below 25 yrs, 4th group is women below 25yrs
 10km top 3 winners - 1st group is men open, 2nd group is women open
3rd group is men below 25 yrs, 4th group is women below 25yrs
 Finisher award
 Winners waiting for prizes presentation
 When Nike met Hooha at Lot 10

1 comment:

  1. good thing i only paid RM 10 so I don't want talk so much about the finisher award. but if i paid RM50,I will surely 'diu gao gao' the organisers for giving me the ugliest toy i have ever seen in my life.

    everything was good ad, they just didn't finish it with a BANG. a medal or cert would be a good finishing touch but sadly, they are only interested in cutting cost.
