Monday, November 29, 2010

Penang Bridge Marathon 2010

Date: 21 Nov 2010
Venue: Queensbay Mall
Time: 2am

After 3 weeks of sightseeing walking and walking in Spain and Portugal + a HM at Jaen, Spain + a FM at Porto, Portugal + a FM at Port Aventura, Spain + injury during the FM + 35km in PBIM + heavy rain, finally the right leg got a blister, cramp and swollen. It protest and issued a red card to the master and refused to run even one small step. Breeze walking was only thing that it willing to do for the last 7km. Has to respect and understand it's choice.

Timing 4:21:09 was definitely not what initially expected. What need to be done now is RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Pray for the fast recovery for the next battle - Singapore Maration on 5 Dec.

 Bib collection on 20 Nov at 5pm
 Starting point
 Susan Khoo, champion again
 Klang pacers friend
 Food for marathoners
more food

1 comment:

  1. come back again for PBIM 2011. You can do it.

    Is time to enjoy now and take a look at some PBIM 2010 runners pictures
