Sunday, December 19, 2010

Larian Koperasi 2010

Date: 19 Dec 2010
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Padang Merbok
Distance: 5km and 7km

The race started and ended on a muddy and uneven field, it is not an ideal place to run. Many runners ran very carefully to aovid injury. The organiser awared of it but was too short of time to change the route. As usual, Padang Merbok is always a hilly route.

The number of participants were not many, round 500 runners. Maybe it was due to the Malakoff 12km and Penang round island relay that happened at the same day. It also lack of publicity. Suprisingly saw a Kenyan man and woman joined in the race. As usual, they are always at the top.

Hopefully more runners will join this type of community race in the future to support the sponsor and organiser, so that it may become annual event.

More photos here
 Position and finisher medal - front
 Girl Junior
 Boy junior
 Women veteran - 5km
 Men Jr. veteran
 Men sr. veteran - 5km
 Women open
Men open
 Men open
 Women open
 Men sr. veteran
 Men jr. veteran
 Women veteran
 Boy junior
Girl junior
Group photo after running

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