Tuesday, December 14, 2010

SAFRA AVventura, Singapore 2011

The SAFRA AVventura is an adventure race consisting of multiple disciplines ranging from trail biking, running, kayaking, rope ascend, abseiling, navigation and mystery tests all rolled into one exhilarating race to fully challenge those with a passion for adventure.

Organised by SAFRA Yishun Country Club (SYCC), the event made its debut in 2006 with the AIA SAFRA AVventura, which attracted 270 racers who had to navigate through virgin undergrowth, brave a 100m river swim, abseil, bike, run and kayak more than 40km in the Northern part of Singapore.

Date: 23 Jan 2011
Time: 7am
Team: 2 members in a team
Closing date: 31 Dec 2010
Details here

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