Friday, December 10, 2010

SC Singapore Marathon 2010 - Race Day

Full marathon started at 5am at Orchard road, not many taxi willing to go there. Some runners who stayed at Chinatown has to walk for 45min to the starting point. To call a taxi at 4am, has to pay the meter fare + 50% surcharge + S$2.50 for on-call. MRT at Orchard only started at 5:30am.

There are 19,000 full marathoners. These runners were separated to 2 waves. 1st wave started at 5am, those who came late has to started in 2nd wave at 5:15am. The last runners who crossed the starting line was at 5:50am. Guess the Kenyan runners has approaching 21km by this time.

10km started near Fullerton hotel at 7:45am. There are 21,000 runners in 10km and separated into 3 waves. Those who came late would be placed in 2nd wave and 3rd wave, started at different time. There were no elite kandang, only VIP - SC boss, ministers and family members standed in front.

Before 10km event started, kenyan runners passed by and approaching finishing line. All 10km runners were cheered for them and 21km runners also arrived at that time.

Timing 3:40:55 is the closing marathon for year 2010.

 Total 60,000 runners
Full marathon started at 5am at Orchard road
 10km flag-off point near Fullerton Hotel, still early at 6:15am
 10km runners watching while waiting for the wheelchair participants to start
 Wheelchair participants were guided by the volunteers in pink
 Standard Chartered Bank boss was participated too
 Three 'lian nui'
 Mark approaching...
 On time to snap him
 Kuantan runner
 Alam Shah
 Free massage for full marathoners
 Muscle men on stage
 OSIM leg massage
 Padang turned to mudang
 The medal is heavy
 Designed by tourism department?
 Both are nice
Good design, good quality

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