Saturday, January 1, 2011

Energizer Night Race Malaysia 2011 - Next Top Model

If you think you are more macho or comel than them, then send your photo to here. You might be the first Energizer Night Race Model.

ENERGIZER NEXT TOP MODEL requirements (see earlier post if you're clueless).

1. Judges & art director's decision is always right.
2. we need a guy/girl with darn cool face (or you think you're cool, also can). super confident, cheeky, and ultra fun.
3. post a your best photo here. your photo should show the above qualities (point 2). make it super ultra fun.
4. open to any race, nationality, sex (we meant GENDER here...), fat/slim/short/tall/wide/long/hairy/bald
5. able to come for audition and photo shoot in KL (sometime in January) if you're being shortlisted.
6. You must agree not to kick the art director or photographer if the photo session takes longer than expected.
7. chant "Energizer is the World's Longest Lasting Battery" 100 a day (just kidding!!)
8. Must be a registered runner of Energizer Night Race 2011.
9. if unsure/not happy refer to point #1

Closing date: Upload by 5 January 2011

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