Thursday, January 27, 2011

Race For Charity 2011

This is a fund raising explorace, aiming at excitement for the challenging games in the explorace other than money raising as donation to the Persatuan Penjagaan Anak-anak Terencat Akal, Saleng during our charity visit on the 26th right after the explorace. The organizer has designed various station oriented games featuring the aspects of mind and physical challenges as well as team work. On the other hand, for those who are int...erested in the charity visit, it's an excursion to a local institution of the people with special needs. We will have contact with them in proximity so that we, as university students, will be able to give them light of hope of getting better lives despite their defects. Maybe we can gain and learn something from them, because i believe that most of them will reflect perseverance in wading through the odds.

Date: 19 Feb 2011
Time: 7:30am
Venue: UTM Skudai Campus, Johor
Registration Fees: RM30 per team, 5 members per team
Prizes: Hampers and certificate
Details here

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