Monday, January 17, 2011

Ride for Gaza 2011

Date: 16 Jan 2011
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Putrajaya
Distance: 16km

Despite clashed with the LeTua 100 and Jerai Jamboree, the turn out for the 'Ride for Gaza' was encouraging. Almost 1000+ riders were at Putrajaya for the fun raising charity ride. It was flag-off and lead by Minister Belia dan sukan at 9.30am as per scheduled. Luckily the weather was cloudy and windy. Friends purposely came to Putrajaya to shoot some photos after their long ran at Bukit Aman.

The fun ride attracted many types of bicycle, mountain bike, road bike, fixie, twin bike, trio bike, one wheel big one wheel small bike, bike macam motorbike pun ada. It was enjoyable to attend this type of fun, charitable and meaningful riding.

Many riders stayed back for the attractive lucky draw prizes, air ticket to Tianjin, Perth and New Delhi, sponsored by AirAsia.

More photos here

1000+ riders joining the ride
 Ready to cycle
Group photo before starting
 Fixie bike 
 At last, sampai... 
After the ride
Bike macam motorbike
Satu roda besar, satu roda kecil bike

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