Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tokun Rockstar MTB Challenge 2011

Bukit Mer­ta­jam Recre­ational For­est Hutan Lipur Bukit Mer­ta­jam or com­monly called Cheruk Tok Kun has an area of 37 hectares. It lies on hilly ter­rain with the high­est point of 457 meters above sea level. There are numer­ous jun­gle tracks lead­ing and branch­ing toward the peak.

Date: 2 - 3 Apr 2011
Venue: Hutan Lipur , Bukit Mer­ta­jam, Pulau Pinang
Registration Fees: Down­hill (RM 75.00); XC (RM50.00) - Late­com­ers require an addi­tional RM10

2nd April 2011 (Sat)
MTB Chal­lenge 2011
- Climb­ing — Tar­mac — 4.5km
 – Lim­ited to 500 par­tic­i­pants
 – Cat­e­gories:
■Junior — age 21 and below
■Elite — age 22 to 30
■Senior — age 31 to 39
■Mas­ter — age 40 to 49
■Vet­eran –age 50 and above

3rd April 2011 (Sun)
DH Chal­lenge (Round #1 of MDHSS Super Series 2011)
- Down­hill — Offroad — 3.35km
 – Cat­e­gories are in accor­dance to MDHA regulations:
■Hard­tail — Open to all ages
■Women — Open to all ages
■Junior — Age 18 and below
■Mas­ter A — Hob­by­ist aged 30 to 39
■Mas­ter B — Hob­by­ist aged 40 and above
■Sports — Hob­by­ist aged 19 to 29
■Expert — X-National/Junior National Rider/Sponser Rider
■Elite — National/Sponsor Rider

Closing date: 19 Mar 2011
Details here

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