Friday, February 25, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Kuala Lumpur, 21st February 2011 – Earth Hour 2011 on 26th March prepares to showcase a growing global community committed to taking environmental actions that go beyond the hour. From now until Earth Hour 2012, WWF-Malaysia is urging everyone across the nation to take Earth Hour beyond the hour by signing up at and pledging to “Live Green: One switch at a time.”
Each month, a simple action towards a more sustainable lifestyle will be highlighted at For example, individuals can pledge to switch off their TV and computer, instead of leaving these in standby mode.

“WWF-Malaysia hopes that Malaysians will join the global community this Earth Hour to take action that goes beyond the hour. It is easy to “Live Green: One switch at a time”, and the more people who make this pledge, the more powerful our efforts to protect our living planet become,” said WWF-Malaysia Executive Director/CEO Dato’ Dr Dionysius Sharma.

From its inception as a single-city initiative in 2007, Earth Hour has grown into a global movement where hundreds of millions of people from every continent join together to acknowledge the importance of protecting our planet.

Earth Hour 2011 will ask Malaysians to:
• Switch off your lights for Earth Hour at 8.30pm, Saturday 26 March 2011 and celebrate your commitment to the planet with the people of the world
• Sign up at and pledge to “Live Green: One switch at a time.”
• Sustain your actions beyond the hour

Date: 26 Mar 2011
Time: 8:30pm
Details here

1 comment:

  1. Use Earth-Hour Bulbs; save electricity and the Earth.
