Monday, February 28, 2011

Larian Bangi Perdana 2011

Date: 27 Feb 2011
Time: 8am
Venue: PKNS Bangi
Distance: 10km and 7km

Despite of this is the first race after the long CNY break, the crowd was not as big as expected. Registration still can be done during the event day just without t-shirt provided. Many empty forms still lying there waiting for more runners to join.

The race started with a bit of kelam kabut as the organiser did not inform where is the starting point and which categories to start first. The starting banner also facing the wrong side which confused many runners. Luckly the flag-off started smooth and efficient.

There are many traffic lights within the route, but not every one jaga by traffic police. Runner has to run on their own risk and time wasted waiting for the cars to clear.

Overall this is a good event with cash prizes for top 10 winners of each category, medals, breakfast, attractive lucky draw prizes and paling best registration fees is cheap only RM10. Hopefully next year the organiser will continue with this healthy family event.

More photos here

 Medal front
Medal rear
 Men open - 10km
 Men jr. veteran
 Women open - 10km
 Men sr. veteran
 Women jr. veteran
 Women sr. veteran
 Boy Junior
Girl Junior
 Up coming stars
 Group photo only for veteran
Friends from Teluk Intan - getting faster and faster

1 comment:

  1. wonder he was always in HAITI...he and GILLES.
    Convenience is convenience, after all, especially when you have the money for
    " serial medical killers" and the DEDOONV with governent.
    GICAR and WOOPEO are letting it all go.
    Movie Stars, and Judges.
    How brilliant was that?
