Monday, March 7, 2011

Adination Breakfast Run Circuit 1 2011

Date: 6 Mar 2011
Time: 7am
Venue: Tasik Perdana
Distance: 3 x 3.2km

About 210 adination runners joined in this breakfast run at Tasik Perdana. Runners need to run min 3 x 3.2km. The route is tough with hill and deep slope but it wouldn't stop runners to conquered it and some runners even managed to finish 7 loops within 2 hours. Congratulation! All runners who finished the min entitled a goodies bag.

Next breakfast run, Circuit 2 will be held at the end of April. So those who are interested, what are you waiting for? Cepat-cepat sign-up as member in any adination group and join in this fun and joyful event.

More photos here.

Group photos
Shout out from Shah Alam group
Manually checking the feet type

1 comment:

  1. is there any way 2 sign up as member in adination group
