Saturday, March 19, 2011

Larian Bagan Lalang 2011

Date: 19 Mar 2011
Time: 8am
Venue: Pantai Bagan Lalang, Selangor

At first we had no clue where the world is Bagan Lalang. Checked the Google map, it is 80km from KL city, near the Palm Tree Resort. Border with N. Sembilan, just 30km from Port Dickson. Today's race, there were about 200+ runners but many of whom are elites. The distance for Men open was 6km, whilst others that include women open, men veteran and women veteran was 3.5km.

Overall it was a well organised event ; started on time at 8am and the prizes presentation was fast and efficient. T-shirt for each category were in different colors and a light breakfast was provided. The event was organised in conjuction with the Pesta Air Selangor at Bagan Lalang. For the race10 cash prizes and are all rounded up with RM5, i.e 555, 455 etc. ...symbolize the 5th annerversery of MP Sepang. Next year they will organise a longer distance event.

More photos here

 Group photo 1
Group photo 2
 Women open 1st
 Women open 2nd
Women open 3rd
 Men open 1st
 Men open 2nd
Men open 3rd
 Men veteran 1st - 11:50
 Men veteran 2nd - 12:23
Men veteran 3rd - 12:42

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