Saturday, March 12, 2011

Larian Wilayah 2011

Date: 12 Mar 2011
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Dataran Merdeka, KL
Distance: 7km and 5km (based on GPSl is slightly more)

Surprisingly the turn up of the participants was rather discouraging, even the Dataran car park is empty. Many runners sign-up last minute at the morning. Some runners who signed up but did not turn up. Estimated there were only 400+ runners only. The organiser has prepared 1000 medals for runners, seems that number of medals are more than runners. Unsure whether was it due to another event Larian Wanita at Shah Alam took place on the same day or runners rather reserve energy for the following day big event - Bareno HM.

The flag-off for 7km was late by 10 min, at 7:40am. Other categories 5km, family run and roda were flag-off subsequently with no delay. Cash prizes presentation for top 5 winners was smooth and there were 50 lucky draw prizes waited to be won.

Hopefully next year the organiser and sponsors will still support this event.

More photos here

Before flag-off
After the run
Men open
Women open
Men jr. veteran
Men sr. vetaran
Women vetaran
Boy jr.
Girl jr.
Position and finisher medal - front

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