Saturday, April 30, 2011

Adination Circuit 2 2011

Date: 30 Apr 2011
Time: 7am
Venue: Kepong Metropolitan

300 runners joined in Adination circuit 2 breakfast run, runners min to run 3 loops, each loop estimated 3.3km. Top 3 runners who ran the most loops within 2 hours received a prize in Adidas product. After the run, the were many food prepared for runners, banana, bun, nasi lemak and water melon. Many runners went home happily with lucky draw prizes. There will be 2 more circuit run at Shah Alam and Penang respectively.

More photos here
 Permaisuri group
 Putrajaya group
TTDI group
 Male winner
Female winner
 Macam gold bar la...
Berat and tebal

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