Wednesday, May 18, 2011

BHR Padawan Nature Challenge 2011

The BHR Padawan Nature Challenge 2011 is a cycling and trekking adventure with competition categories for amateurs and those who loves nature.

This Challenge gives opportunity for adventurous nature lovers to be close to Mother Nature While experience the environmental and adventure tourism aspects of Padawan (including Borneo Highlands Resort).

Date: 3 Jul 2011
Venue: Kampung Benuk and Borneo Highlands Resort Sarawak
Categories and fees:

MPP Chairman Challenge Trophy (Open) – Cycling From Kampung Benuk to Borneo Highlands Resort & Trekking within Borneo Highlands Resort

RM 250 per team of two persons

Malta Penrissen Summit Trekking Challenge (Open) - Trekking within Borneo Highlands Resort
RM 100 per team of two persons

Batu Panggah Trekking Challenge (Open) - Trekking within Borneo Highlands Resort
RM 100 per team of two persons

Kalimantan View Trekking Challenge (Ladies only) - Trekking within Borneo Highlands Resort
RM 100 per team of two persons

Prizes: Cash prizes for winners
Details here

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