Friday, June 17, 2011

Sabah Adventure Ultra Trail Marathon 2011

The Course
The race course will see competitors compete over a race course that will take them around Mount Kinabalu, down into the Kiulu Valley and finish in the highlands above Penampang, Kota Kinabalu. The race course will be marked and the visible type of marking to be used will be made apparent to competitors during the official briefing before official START of the event.

Expect routes that will include gravel roads, village treks, jungle treks and muddy conditions if there is rain. Temperatures CAN drop dramatically at sections of the race course especially during heavy storms or at night so it is important competitors adhere to the mandatory kit list and also ensure they come prepared for hot and dry conditions or wet and muddy conditions.

Date: 5 - 7 Nov 2011
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Distance: 50km (24hrs) and 100km (36hrs)
Registration fees:
Early bird till 30 Jun
Malaysian: SGD$125 per person
Non-Malaysian: SGD$300 per person
Normal Rate
Malaysian: SGD$150 per person
Non-Malaysian: SGD$350 per person
Arward: Winner of each Category qualify for a free entry to compete in a Racing the Planet 100 ultra marathon in 2012
Medal: Finisher medal
Details here

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