Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jacob Walk For Life 2011 - Traffic Police Summon Waived Off

Dear Valued JWOL Participant,

It was wonderful to have you join us during last Sunday’s Jacob’s Walk of Life (JWOL) 2011. Thank you for coming!

We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we loved having you with us.

We understand that some of us may have received traffic police summons while attending the event. We are happy to inform you that Jacob’s has an agreement with the Malaysian Royal Police (Traffic) to waive payment for the traffic summons, for those participating in JWOL 2011.

If you are one of those who received a traffic summons, please email the following information to immediately.

The deadline to notify us is 7 August 2011.

Kepada Para Peserta Jacob's Walk of Life,

Kami bagi pihak Jacob's, ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana turut sudi menyertai acara Jacob's Walk of Life 2011 pada hari Ahad yang lalu.

Pihak kami berharap agar kesemua para peserta mendapat pengalaman yang menarik di acara yang tersebut.

Pihak kami mendapat maklumat bahawa segelintir peserta yang hadir mengikuti acara kami telah menerima saman ketika meletak kenderaan. Dengan itu pihak kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa pihak penaja, Jacob's telah mendapat persetujuan dengan pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia (Trafik) untuk menarik balik saman berkenaan.

Jika tuan/puan adalah di antara peserta yang menerima saman trafik tersebut, sila emelkan maklumat-maklumat di bawah ke alamat jacobswol2011@redeventskl.comdengan serta-merta.

Tarikh tutup adalah pada 7 August 2011

1) Full name (as in MyKad) / Nama Penuh (seperti yang tertera di dalam MyKad):

2) MyKad No / No MyKad :

3) Car registration number / Nombor Pendaftaran Kereta:

4) Serial No of Summon / Nombor Siri Saman:

Warm regards
Sekian, terima kasih daripada


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