Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Perhentian Island Challenge 2011

Date: 14 - 16 Oct 2011
Venue: Perhentian Island, Terengganu Malaysia
Distance: Novice - 8km, Elite - 15km
Category: Novice men and women, Elite men and women
Registration fees: Novice - RM100, Elite - RM150
Others fees: Bus transfer - RM80, Food, accom and boat transfer - RM100 (Advance)
Early bird: Minus RM50 till 26 Sep 2011
Contact: 603-2142-6688
Closing: 400 participants only
Details here


  1. Hiye..

    This kind a confusing. you mean we have to pay say, we take the elite cat, rm150 + 180 for bus and boat transfer? thats RM330 altogether. and what does it mean by B,L,D,S? I remember paying only RM90 (per pax, all in) for the same race back in 2007.

    Their FB still refers to one in 2010. Registration site yet to be open.


  2. tonton said...
    Yes you are right, if you opt for Elite, bus transfer, food, accommodation and boat transfer, then the cost will be RM150 + RM80 + RM100 = RM330. (sekarang apa pun naik)
    B-breakfast, L-lunch, D-dinner and S-super.
    You are lucky that you have joined before in 2007 with much cheaper price..

  3. Hi, can I know more about the bus transfer mentioned above? Where does the bus depart from/ arrive at and what is the schedule like? Also, what is the itinerary for the event? Thanks in advance!

