Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Taiping International Marathon 2011 - Latest News!

Date: 25 Sep 2011
Time: 6am
Venue: Taiping Perak
Details here
Online registration here

Additional Full Marathon Men/women Jr. veteran (40 - 50yrs) and Men/women Sr. veteran (> 50yrs) has been introduced with condition that at least 200 participants in each category. - due to unattractive response, men senior veteran, men junior veteran and women open categories for full marathon has been cancelled

The FULL MARATHON starting time has been changed to 6.00am.
The Qualifying time is basically a special timing where runners will receive special medal and dinner on the same night at the Majlis Perbadaran Taiping Hall. As such, runners who complete within the qualifying time will received 2 medals.

                                                Qualifying Time                   Finishing Time
                                                Male       Female                 Male       Female
Full Marathon                            3.5 hrs     4.5hrs                  5.5hrs     6.0hrs
Full Marathon (40-50y)               3.75hrs    4.75hrs                 6.0hrs     6.5hrs
Full Marathon (>50y)                  4.0hrs      5.0hrs                  6.5hrs     7.0hrs 
Half Marathon the finishing         1.75hrs    2.5hrs                   3hrs        3.5hrs
10km    Senior  & Junior     1.25nrs    1.5hrs                   1.5hrs      1.75hrs  
10km    Veteran >50y            1.5hrs      2.0hrs                   2.0hrs      2.5hrs

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