Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Adination Breakfast Run Circuit 3 2011

Date: 31 Jul 2011
Time: 7am
Venue: Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam
Distance: 10km and 15km

There are about 300+ participants joined in this event and it was well organised by Adination Shah Alam group. This event was rather different compare to the previous 2 circuits which was ran in loops, but this circuit was just run in 1 loop and in 2 different distance, 10km and 15km. The event was running smoothly, after all the runners coming back, then there was a drum presentation by the Bukit Jelutong drum club, followed by prizes presentation and lucky draw.

More prizes are awarded to runners in this circuit. Beside the top 5 winners in each category received award, lucky runners whom arrived at 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th placing also received a prize too. There were many lucky draw prizes where some lucky runners got a KOTR 2011 running vest.

Bukit Jelutong is a very good running and cycling area. Hopefully more events would be organised over there.

More photos here

 Pacesetters group
 Adination TTDI group

 10km women champion
 10km men champion
 15km women champion
15km men champion

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