Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kilian Jornet at World of Sports eCurve

Kilian Jornet the champion of the 25th Mount. Kota Kinabalu Sabah Climbathon 2011 finished in 2 hour 37min was here at World of Sports eCurve Petaling Jaya to share his experience during the climbathon and also his record in conquering the Mount. Kilimanjaro Africa and Mount. Olympus in Greece. He also shared with participants how to avoid injury, his training programme, how does  Suunto watch help in training etc.

With him is Greg Vollet, Salomon marketing manager. He got 7th in the climbathon. He briefed audience on the history of Salomon, the evolution of Salomon shoe, the process of developing a pair of shoe, the material used in Salomon apparel, how does these apparel help in improving performance and  etc. After his explanation, then only we realized that Salomon take 2.5 years to develop a pair of shoe started from an idea until the final product. A few videos has shown to introduce more in-depth in Kilian's Quest and Salomon products.

The most excited session was the autograph session as many participants were eagerly to get Kilian's autograph either to sign on poster, shirt or trophy, last but not least was personal photo with the super star. After the press conference, invited guests were proceed to Mount. Kiara to have once in a life time chance to run together with Kilian.

The 4.5km trail run was started at 6pm which was rather late as it was dark in the jungle. But all participants came back safe and happy including Dato' Seah, the secretary of OCM. Another round of photo session with Kilian and Greg before the event ended at 7pm.

More photos here

World of Sports new outlet at eCurve, Petaling Jaya
Waiting for the event to start
Participants of the event
Range of Salomon's  latest shoe
Kilina shared his experience in trail running and training schedule
Evolution of Salomon's shoe
Examined the material
Salomon's apparel material
Memento presentation
Press conference together with Greg Vollet, the Marketing Manager
Interviewed by TV station
Finally got his autograph
Kilian signature look like a mountain. Greg's look  like a shark
Group photo before the trail run
Autograph session again
Colorful trail shoe
At the starting line
Kilian's favorite shoe
Photos session with the Skyrunners

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