Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mount KK Climbathon 2011 - Kilian SuperCup Champion

In a gripping battle for the Skyrunner® SuperCup title,Kilian Jornet outstripped Marco De Gasperi at the Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon in today’s men’s race.  2h37’04” was Jornet’s winning time, De Gasperi, just 44” later, closed in 2h37’48” and Spain’s Luis Hernando, finished a happy third in 2h42’36” behind these two skyrunning super stars.

De Gasperi reached the 4,095m summit in 1h37’39” (2’10” short of his record) followed by Jornet 3’39” later and Hernando hot on his heels a mere 5” behind him. 
De Gasperi’s descent was not so fortunate however, with a fall that possibSkyrunner SuperCup winners Kilian Jornet and Danny Gongotly cost him the title.  Despite this misadventure, he managed to maintain his lead until the final stretch when Jornet overtook him. 

Last year’s second placer was Nepal’s Sudip Kulung, 4th today and 5th, Japan’s Toru Miyahara, overtaken by Kulung in a sprint in the final kilometre.

Skyrunning races are typically won on the descent and it’s interesting to note the fastest time ever recorded in the 25-year history of this race was by Sudip Kulung today:  55’57”.  Jornet’s time, the second fastest, was 56’24”.  De Gasperi descended in 59’59” –  fall included.

In the women’s race yesterday, Skyrunner® SuperCup heroine Danny Gongot thrilled the crowd and organisers by her win – only the third Malaysian woman in 25 years to have won the Climbathon.  Her time was 3h41’29”.

Race favourites Anna FErholtz, third, Gongot, first and Anna Frost secondrost from New Zealand and American Brandy Erholtz  took second and third respectively. 
Frost, second here last year in 3h33’41”, closed in 3h50’35”, after a recent injury halted her training,.  Erholtz, new to skyrunning’s daunting downhills, was first to reach the summit in 2h11’41”,with a nine minute advantage over Gongot and is the first American on the Climbathon podium.
Celebrations all round today for the Climbathon’s 25th birthday and the award of the Skyrunner® SuperCup “champion of champions” title which goes to skyrunning super star Kilian Jornet and  Malaysia’s Danny Gongot, at last, realizing her dream of winning this great international race on home ground. 

Details here

Top 3 winners of  men open, men veteran and women open
Men open finisher listing 1
Men open finisher listing 2
Men pen finisher listing 3
Photos above are courtesy by Raymond Ng, Thank you

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