Monday, October 17, 2011

OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2011 - 52km Challenge Result

Date: 14 - 15 Oct 2011
Venue: Dataran Merdeka

Around 1700 riders joined this once in a lifetime event - cycled in the closed road at Kuala Lumpur city center for 52km (5 loops x 10.5km). Many cyclists reached the venue as early as 5am for the exciting event. Riders queued early to enter to the kandang so that could start in the first wave which is more advantage. First wave flagged off at 6.45am and subsequent followed closely by others waves.

As the route is quite hilly and certain stretch are very steep and with sharp corner, some careless riders fall down and  injured seriously. Some riders also faced technical problem like tyre puncture, chain derail. Many riders also dropped items, i.e sun glass, cat eye, watch, gel, water bottle etc.

The event has to be cut off at 8:25am after getting advice from traffic police due to serious traffic jammed  at certain roads and also complaint from drivers. As  such many riders were  unable to finish their 5 loops but the organizer was generous to give the finisher medal to all riders. Perhaps Putrajaya or Shah Alam is more appropriate for the event.

Many sponsors like Shimano, Polygon displayed their items for clearance sales. There were many different type of bike in term of price, size, height and brand can be seen at Dataran Merdeka . Entertainment was arranged for those 21km riders whom came later as their event started at 9am.

Hopefully this awesome event will continue annually.

More photos here
Check your result here

52km cyclists waiting to be flagged off

Ministry lead the 21km pack
Men top 3 winners for 52km
Group from Kemaman Terangganu
Happy faces after the cycling

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