Sunday, November 6, 2011

Larian 7km Little India Klang 2011 - Top 5 Official Result

Date: 5 Nov 2011
Time: 5pm
Venue: Klang
Distance: 6.4km

Despite no other race on the same day and the following day, the turn out for this run was quite low, less than 500 runners. As such, all participants received a limited medal as the organizer only prepared  500 medals. Runners still can register the run before the event start.

Before the race started, it was a sunny and humid day. Everyone was sweating even though hiding in the stadium. But the rain poured  heavily 10 min after the race started. All runners race under the rain  and  heavy traffic with cars, bikes and buses near the Little India. Runners have to run under their own risk and took care  of  their own safety as there was neither police nor marshall jaga the traffic. Organizer should take note on this should they wish to organize the same run next year.

Due to the rain, photographers were unable to take shot when the runners came back. The prizes presentation was smooth and efficient. Well done to all the runners.

More photos here..

Finisher and position medal

Men open (all result only position no timing)
Women open
Men jr. veteran
Men senior veteran
Women veteran
Girl junior
Boy junior

1 comment:

  1. Some photos here:
