Saturday, December 3, 2011

Energy Run 2011 - Top 10 Official Results

Date: 3 Dec 2011
Time: 7:30am
Venue: Putrajaya
Distance: 5km and 7km

The event was a small skill community run, there were 6 closed categories for Suruhanjaya Tenaga and 4 categories for public. The route was quite flat with 2 water stations. Limited medals were provided, however there were categories where medals are more than number of participants.

Light breakfast was provided, prizes presentation for top 3 winners were smooth and cash distribution was efficient. Hopefully it will become annual event.

More photos here

Women veteran 5km
Men veteran 5km
Women open 7km
Men open 7km
Women open 7km
Men veteran 5km
Women veteran 5km
Men open 7km

Position medal

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