Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Newton Run 2012 - Top 5 Official Results

Date: 1 Jan 2012
Time: 5:30am
Distance: 12km (GPS 10.9km) and 25km (GPS 24.3)

Despite under distance, both routes are very hilly and challenging. The event attracted runners from Penang and Singapore. Compared to 2010, the quality of the run has deteriorated. 2010 vest's quality was much better than this year dry fit tee, there was finisher t-shirt for 25km runners, 2010 medal's design was a surprised and much impressive, top 5 prizes for 25km winners, additional men senior veteran categories in both 12km and 25km. Nevertheless volunteers were very supportive and helpful.

More photos here

Last year medal design is more attractive

Runners from Penang

Chiangmai hat

Women veteran 12km
Men veteran 12km
Women open 12km
Men open 12km
Women veteran 25km
Men veteran 25km
Women open 25km
Men open 25km


  1. Mr Mooi,

    The result for Women Open 25km got any error? The Champion Sarah Ch'ng timing is faster than men open no.5 and if translate to 1/2 marathon result it could well be a sub 90min... national record is 88min and it is achieved in Australia nia...


  2. Anon,

    I think the result should be correct, from many of the photos in FB, she came back earlier than many of the fast male runners, in fact. She has always kept a fast record, although we have not seen her in the races in KL (I do hope to see more local runners developing results like her) ,...and there is absolutely nothing wrong for a woman runner to be faster than men. (hahaha, although I know what it feels like when I got thrashed by fast kenyan women and local runners like Sheela or Amelia Musa..I am still glad that that the younger generation of Malaysians are getting faster, irrespective of genders. Happy New Year and happy running.


  3. Hi Anon!

    The actual distance of the Newton race was 24.5 km (according to my Polar). I was running at about 4:17 min/km pace, this translates into 1:30:42 for a half-marathon. So nowhere near the national record yet! Hehe.

