Sunday, March 4, 2012

1 Vision Run 2012 - Top 10 Results

 Date: 4 Mar 2012
Venue: Padang Merbok
Distance: 10km

Around 1000 participants joined in this event, which was much lesser than the World Kidney Run which happened at the same day at Dataran Merdeka. Nevertheless there were many elite runners joined in this event.

The starting point was at the main road toward roundabout. While all 10km runners lined up at the starting line waiting to be flag-off, there were still cars, bus, motorbikes passed by, resulted that runners have to open the road for the vehicles. Apparently there was no one blocking the traffic. Runners safety was not taken care of. For 5km runners there was no flag-off at all, as the speaker and announcement was at the Padang Merbok far away and no person in-charged used the horn. So 5km runners started when they heard some unclear announcement from Padang. Moreover there were still many 5km runners waiting at the Padang and no one informed them the starting line was at the main road. As such less than 10 runners started on-time and the rest started 10 - 15 minutes later. The flag-off was very unorganized, event should has started from Padang.

The finishing also kelam kabut a bit. No lane for each category, no position card was distributed, some runners even unaware that they had crossed the finishing line, top 10 runners have to inform and show bib no. to the time keeper, or else you may not in the winning list. Time taken inaccurate as well. Winners registration also improper as many complaint arise due to dispute. The prize presentation should carried out at a more spacious place rather than under a small tent.

Fortunately there was no VIP speeches, no dancing, no unnecessary programs and the prize presentation was carried out smoothly. Light breakfast were provided too. Nevertheless, this was a charity run and wish the organizer could improve all the short coming next year.

BTW there was an Indian runner from Kidney Run ran into Padang Merbok finishing line and had to ran out again after realizing the mistake, time wasted.
More photos here

Celebrating birthday

Men jr. Veteran
Women open
Men open
Men sr. veteran
Women veteran
Position and finisher medal
Men open champion
Men open 1st runner up
Men jr. veteran champion
Men veteran 1st runner up
Men sr veteran champion (Don) and
1st runner up (Goh)
Women open champion
Women open 1st runner up
Women veteran champion
Women veteran 1st runner up
Girl junior champion
Girl junior 1st runner up
Boy junior champion
Boy junior 1st runner up


  1. Fully agreed with you on the mess and disorganize.
    I already had the feeling that it will be as such because of similar mess during the t-shirt collection day.

    Anyway, like you's for good cause.

  2. Thanx for the pics above but as usual, i am in none of any running pic :-(
    Anyway, sadly, all the results sheet was a complete shot except the Women Jr Veteran. I was the 14th place that was cutoff in the shot.... Am I destined NEVER to be in any shots?? :-(

    1. Lovely photos. Enjoyed looking at them.

      Anon - I was D011 and I didn''t even realised it until I visit this blog. No photo. No prize oso. Lagi kesian. LOL

    2. Hi, you may try to find your photos at Tey Eng Tiong and Victor Chong facebook. Both of them took a lot of picturs for both Kidney and vision runners. Good luck - tonton

  3. Lina, you may to contact the organizer to claim your prize, RM50 and a position medal - tonton

    1. Still can claim kah? I thot cannot. OK. Will try do so. Thanks! :)

    2. Organizer can't be contacted it seems.

      Not answering calls. Not replying SMS. No reply to e-mail also. Ah well. C'est la vie.

    3. You may contact the following:
      n Ryan Chan Pengerusi PK1VM di talian 012 2678820, Zarizi Ab. Rahman Pengarah Acara Larian 1 Visi di talian 013 2291393, dan Major Kalam bin Pie,
      Pengarah Perlumbaan di talian 019 2712569

    4. Thanks for the info. Except for Ryan Chan, those two numbers I tried already. Even e-mail my query to En Zarizi.

      Never mind lah. Not as if I win first prize anyway. :p
