Sunday, March 11, 2012

Brooks Half Marathon 2012 - Top 10 Official Result

Date: 11 Mar 2012
Venue: Putrajaya Stadium, Bukit Jalil

Compare to last year 5000 participants, this year was more - 6800 runners registered. It was much more organized to flag-off and finished inside the stadium, as it was brighter and more spacious. But the high participants also caused traffic jammed and difficult to find parking space. Resulted that many runners especially 10km runners were very late when crossing the starting line. More entrances should open for runners to enter to the stadium to avoid congestion.

Food in abundance e.g. kaya bun, tau fu fa, red bean, water melon, milo etc were ready for runners, supporter and family members without necessary to show any coupon. Thanks to the generosity of the organizer. The prize presentation and lucky draw stage was arranged inside the stadium which was inappropriate as most of the runners were directed to outside stadium to have their breakfast, chat and photo shot. As such many did not witness the prize presentation and missed out the lucky draw as well.

Nevertheless it was a well organized event and thanks to the organizer for arranging the hilly challenging route and thanks to volunteers for their helpfulness.

more photos here
Check your result here

Running Alligators Group
Cari Runners Group

5km women open
5km men open
10km women open
10km men open
Men warga emas
21km men sr. veteran
21km women veteran
21km men junior veteran
21km women open
21km men open
10km men open
10km women open
5km men open (without name)
5km women open
21km men open
21km women open
21km men jr. veteran
21km women veteran
21km men senior veteran
21km men golden age
21km women golden age
Environmental hero of the day


  1. Where can I view my finishing time?? Thanks

  2. Hi Darren,

    the official result is not out yet....will try to post the known link once it is out


  3. Replies
    1. You may check your result from the link shown above - tonton

  4. Congrats to all who ran last weekend! :)

  5. Well organized, no fancy stuff... Just a great run!

  6. I congratulate the organisers. Well done guys! See you next year... :)
