Thursday, April 19, 2012

Boston Marathon 2012 - The Hottest Marathon

This is the hottest marathon that I have ever experience. The race started at 10am, imagine at a temperature similar to Malaysia..30-33 degree celcius. As hot as in Malaysia, with but here, its extra warm and dry. The organizer has earlier announced and warned runners of the hot and dry weather but unfortunately, they can't changed the starting time. The latest news from the organizer was that there were 2200 runners ended up at the medical tent, with more than 100 runners been sent to hospital, 16% out of 22000 runners did not participate due the the warning.  Many runners did collapse while running. Geoffrey Mutai unfortunately did not finish the course and quit between 30km - 35km.

There were 6 Malaysian male runners, and 3 female runners joined in this race. But unable to gather all for a group photo as everyone came back in different time and the crowd was huge. Only managed to take single picture. Below are some of the selected photos.

More news here

Malaysian male runners timing
Crossing one of the check point
With Khoo
with Gavin Bong
 With Francis Yeng...this Doc can really kick ass
With the legendary Woo Chan Yew at the expo

 Hotel shutter brought runners to this place

 and transfer by BAA bus to starting location.
The bus look like our Bus Sekolah

 Food and drinks waiting for runners as breakfast

 Hopkinton is the starting place

 Ballerina runner

 They have Sarong man too

 Very crowded

 Walking to the starting point

these soldiers walk the full marathon distance in full gear..tabik spring!
 the infamouse Wellesley girls offering kisses for runners only
When can we have this in Malaysia?

 On 15 miles check point

Many ran without too
 Water, we want more water
 Very supportive spectators
 Finally, approaching finishing line
The shining blanket was suppose to prevent runners
to get cold, but no used as the weather was hot
 After the run, time for relaxation

 Party for runners at House Blues
Every 5km pace


  1. congrats Moey ! You were there while the rest of can only wish :)

  2. Well done Moey! Despite the heat, you still have a timin I can only dream of, even when running in a perfect weather. Salute to you!

  3. Moey, Congrats. Your timing is quite good; taking the heat into consideration. And thanks for the photo. Planning for Boston 2013?

  4. Thanks all... Julin and Deo, u guys must do one of these marathons...its really fun, supporters from beginning to end!

    Gavin, congratulations! timing no longer important for this one. anyone did and finished this one knows how hard it is regardless of timing. All the runners I met either finish very much slower, most sub-4 ends up 30mins to 1hours. They all told me that its a survival marathon. I agree. 2013 will do if got $ resources (hahaha). You? ;)


  5. Moey,

    I found it to be the hardest marathon I've ever run. I don't think I will run in 2013. I hope to return in 2014. Have a good time in the US.


    The nst published article by bernama post boston marathon
    Bombing that in 2012 six malaysians joined boston mara but did not win any medals (link above). Clearly this is fictional and wasnt fact-checked. I googled and found your blog. Can u pls write to them , let them be shocked! How can they publish untrue stories? ... Just thought u should know. -oyin

    1. Thanks for your concern. Boston runners will receive finisher medal.
