Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nike Free Run+ Launched on 5 Apr 2012

The Nike Free latest model was launched in Malaysia on 5 Apr 2012 at Damansara Community Centre, KL. The launched models are Nike Free Run +3, Nike Free 3.0 V4 and Nike Free 4.0. Many media including press, TV stations and bloggers attended to witness the launched. The theme of the launched is Super Natural Ride.

The latest model are in striking color choices with blue, orange, yellow, purple and ivory. The launched started with the presenting of the Nike Free shoes and followed by the welcome speech by Joan Yeoh the Country Marketing Manager. Wan Ozairi the EKIN presented the technical aspects of the shoe with some attractive videos. After a energetic warm-up session, participants were lead by Au Yong to test run and to feel the shoe.

The Nike Free Run +3 (RM379), Nike Free 3.0 V4 (RM399) and Nike Free 4.0 (RM399) will be available in all Nike stores nationwide from 5th April, 2012. More details abount Nike Free here and Nike Facebook here

Different flexibility level
Trendy, flexible and  with dynamic fit
Nike Free with different color choices
Ivory color match with orange

Speech by Joan Yeoh
EKIN Wan Ozairi
Instructor lead the warm-sup
Sweating even though inside the air-con room
More heart beat exercise
Ready to test run
Run around the community centre
Nike Wings
Press release

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